
Alaska is the home of a wide range or racing opportunities. There are more than ten triathlons a year in addition to countless other types of races to choose from. The Alaska Triathlon Club hosts three great triathlons (linked to below), one being the Hammerman, an off-road triathlon, another being the much loved Moose Nugget Triathlon (olympic and sprint distances), and the last being the Tri-Flake, a true USAT sanctioned winter triathlon.

Alaska Triathlon Club Hosted Races:

Tri-Flake Winter Triathlon – (1/18/2020) – Kincaid Park – run/bike/ski format

Hammerman Triathlon and Duathlon – (7/13/2019) – Off-road sprint distance triathlon and Duathlon – Kincaid Park

Moose Nugget Triathlon (7/28/2019) – Road Tri – Sprint and Olympic Distance Races – Jewel Lake and Kincaid Park

2019 Multi-Sport Race List – (MS Excel File) – All Alaska Multi-Sport Races (that we know about at least)

Also, check out these links for other racing opportunities:

Arctic Bicycle Club Road Racing Division

Arctic Bicycle Club Mountain Racing Division

Anchorage Runner’s Calendar

ArcticCross Cyclocross Series